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Inner Sea Witchers

Ever thought to yourself: "Man I sure do love this Pathfinder stuff, but there aren't any witchers in it."?

Fret not! I have been putting together a homebrew pack aimed at fitting witchers into Pathfinder (1st edition) not only as a customizable character class, but also into the Inner Sea campaign setting.

Also I made the dang thing in Hero Lab!

Currently the class is finished but I still have plans to add more content in the form of new feats, traits, locations, lore, characters, and much more coming in the near future.

If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to email me.




  • Extensive wording/spelling/grammar polish.

  • Bumped Monster Lore to 4th level and Track to 3rd level to declutter 1st level.

  • Nerfed Ingi’s 1st level damage to 1d4 to be more in line with Burning Hands.

  • Changed Quen's burst effect to hit all enemies within 5 feet.

  • Bumped Sign casting to a standard action at 1st level and a move action at 11th level.

  • Tapered out ability bonus from the Thunderbolt and Lightning potions to start at +2 3rd level and progress to +4 at 10th level and +6 at 17th level.


  • Changed “Must be 1st level class” label to “Witcher Training” to describe multiclass flavor restriction.

  • Fixed Hero Lab issue where Storm’s Touch wasn’t selectable for Petri’s Philter, Sign Focus, and Greater Sign Focus.

  • Changed Petri’s Philter’s Hero Lab in-play activation text.

  • Added Hero Lab adjustment for Sign DCs.

  • Removed error warning in Hero Lab when adding witcher class after 1st level.

  • Misc typo/spelling/grammar fixes.


  • Added Storm’s Touch and Whistling Sparrow signs.

  • Added lore and optional rules for becoming a witcher (meant for multiclassing into witcher).

  • Renamed the Stealth, Blur, Acid Mark, and Flight signs to Inui, Inare’s Veil, Ankheg’s Bite, and Raven’s Wings respectively.

  • Tweaked witcher potion consumption for non-witchers by increasing the time it takes toxicity to go away for non-witchers. Also added more specific wording.

  • Added more specific wording about catching on fire via Igni.

  • Misc formatting, spelling, and grammar fixes.


  • Added Evasion at level 12 and Improved Evasion at level 16.

  • Added perception bonus to Cat.

  • Added swim speed to Killer Whale.

  • Specified that the damage bonus Witcher Oil grants is alchemical.

  • Fixed Hero Lab file issue where the toxicity threshold wasn’t calculating correctly.

  • Added Hero Lab adjustment to let users increase or lower their toxicity threshold.


  • Switched from Int to Wis for Signs/Potions/etc.

  • Added new Feats: Extra Toxicity, Sign Focus, Greater Sign Focus

  • Moved Monster Lore up to 1st level and removed Improved Monster Lore.

  • Bumped up skill ranks/level to 6.

  • Added Lightning potion.

  • Changed Petri’s Philter to grant maximum of a +2 to Sign DCs. Also required affected Sign to be selected when the potion is brewed.

  • Removed GP cost of oils and potions.

  • Allowed for 1 witcher oil to be swapped each even level.

  • Fixed wording on Quen to clarify that it is discharged after 1 attack.

  • Replaced Darkvision granted by Witcher Mutations with Low-Light Vision.

  • Misc minor wording/spelling/grammar fixes.


  •  Initial Release

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